Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Heaven that is Parvati

Last week, my best friend and I had to come to Trinoma to attend a wedding planning seminar. Prior to this trip, I've already spotted photos of the sweets and other heavenly treats from Parvati in Facebook. I considered it serendipity (yes, i'm a drama queen) that the store is right in Trinoma's Mindanao lobby area so I made it a point to stop by and buy some sweets as a late birthday gift for myself. We initially planned to eat there to try out their palatable looking pastas and salads but the place was packed (the area was small to begin with and it seemed very popular to customers) so we just decided to settle on desserts. So on with the reviews.

First up, the macarons. We bought a box of 12 for 350php. The macarons come in four flavors namely salted caramel, milk chocolate with cinnamon, queso de bola, and chocolate. These small cookie/meringue confectioneries are definitely small pieces of heaven sent here to earth. Not only are they deliciously pretty, you will instantly fall in love with their distinct taste that is not common to other pastries, cookies, and cakes. The moment I took a bite, I immediately tasted the unique taste of their fillings. I also marvel at how soft the bread (or meringue) is while still being chewy and solid enough to not crumble on my fingers. I was actually surprised that my favorite was the salted caramel flavor because being the chocolate lover that I am, I immediately thought that I will fall in love with the chocolate flavored ones. The taste of the filling of this salted caramel macarons can be likened to that of custard or yema. The others, moreover, are equally rich in flavors as well.

Box of macarons for 350php. Isn't the box adorable?

the flavors: chocolate, milk chocolate with cinnamon, queso de bola, and salted caramel
And now for the truffles. They were a little too soft when we finally ate them at home because we still stayed at the mall for an hour after our 45minute MRT travel. Their consistency, however, did not compromise their taste. They were a delight to pop in the mouth because of their rich flavor. Think dark chocolate mixed with cocoa powder and milk. Crazy right? They tasted so good we can't actually believe they are sugar free! We loved every piece (there are 12 pieces for 299php) even though they're already soft and gooey when we ate them. 
12 pieces of truffles for 299php. Definitely worth the price!

They're sugar free too! 
I really recommend these sweets especially to those who want to try something different from their average cakes and coffee-shop pastries. They can be a little heavy on the budget (well, in my case because I am so kuripot!) but you can share them with someone else to watch your wallet and your figure (though the truffles are sugar free). Oh, and whoever said that you have to go abroad or in heaven even, just to get a taste of these sweets probably hasn't heard of Parvati yet. Now your dessert haven is just a ride (or MRT trip) away! 

Parvati is located in the Mindanao Lobby of Trinoma, EDSA, Quezon City

Friday, February 10, 2012

Store Review: Let's Face It Hypermart (Makati Branch)

I know, I know, this is supposed to be my first real blog post and I should use it to write something good or inspiring. I, however, decided to do a store review. Pretty weird, huh?

So a little earlier tonight my friend and I decided to have a facial cleaning at the Let's Face It Salon Hypermart branch. It's been months since I had my last cleaning (I formerly go to Dermcare before) and my skin is in need of a new overhaul.

The receptionist of the shop was very accommodating. Their basic facial cleaning with laser, vacuum, and two free check-ups costs 245php and you can only add the mask that you want together with your cleaning session. Upon examining my skin, the receptionist recommended me to use one variety of their gel mask called the pimple paper mask which costs 620php. Being the thrifty city rat that I am, I asked her if I can have another mask instead because I don't think paying for more than 500 on a single facial cleaning session is not that advisable. The receptionist finally recommended me to use a soft mask called the pimple acne soft mask which only costs 225php.

After filling up my request form, one of the attendants there finally led me to their facial room. They gave me a disposable shower cap, a piece of tissue, and a disposable bib to protect my shirt. My attendant asked me to wash my face on one of the two sinks on a corner. That was when I started experiencing the problems.

After washing my face, I asked the woman assigned to me if I can use their restroom first. She obliged and I tried turning the knob of the bathroom's door. I thought it was just locked so i tried to lightly push and turn the knob a couple of times until someone from the inside forcefully turned the knob too. I waited for almost ten minutes for the person inside to come out and when she did I saw that she was also an employee of the shop (she was wearing the uniform of the clinic). I wasn't expecting anything special from her but what I didn't like is that she sort of glared at me while she was getting out of the bathroom. I wasn't even expecting a Hi or a Hello (i'm not that picky when it comes to service) but her look clearly showed that she was not feeling even an inkling of good emotions during that moment.

After using the bathroom, I finally went to my seat (or bed. I don't exactly know what it is called) and waited for the employee to do her magic. Now this is where it starts to get tricky. I am no longer a newbie when it comes to facial cleaning and I have to say that this is the most painful cleaning I ever experienced ever. I walked out of the shop with a stinging, red, puffy face; something that has never happened to me before in my previous facial cleaning sessions with other shops. I also cried (yes, like literally cried) during the session which is a little troubling because I have a high tolerance for pain when it comes to these things. I couldn't help but feel that the lady handling my cleaning is too harsh with her hand movements and methods.

I also noticed that the employee is also suffering from a cold (she coughed and sniffed throughout the session). It's not much of a problem for me but I just can't help getting a little troubled about it because they have to work at close range with their customers who can also catch their cold (even though they are wearing a face mask). In addition to this, I also noticed that the woman working on my face also gave me the same cold treatment that their other employee gave me at the bathroom. She talks to me when she is offering some of their products but besides from that, she simply stared at me and didn't even bother giving me a proper answer during the times when I was the one asking the questions (this is already after the cleaning so she can't say she's just concentrating on her work). I really felt pissed by that time but since I do not want to make a commotion in the store and ruin my entire day, I just decided to ignore the attitude of some of the workers there.

What's worse is that my friend told me that before her cleaning, the employee who did her facial did not ask her to wash her face before the actual facial cleaning unlike in my case. I know that washing your face with soap and water is a very important part of facial cleaning because it is meant to remove the dirt and grime that has initially set on the face. Clearly, not all employees of this facial clinic are well-informed about all the processes involved in the services they are offering.

Overall, I do not recommend this branch at all. Don't get me wrong, Let's Face It is already an established name in the industry of skin care but I just wasn't satisfied with this particular brand's customer service. In terms of their actual services, I don't think I'll ever visit their shop again. I can get the same results in other facial clinics minus all the pain (and tears). I'm not even planning of coming back to have my two free check-ups.

Fortunately, I'm pretty satisfied with the results of my facial cleaning even though I can't say it is actually the best treatment I had. A pretty average experience for me if you don't take into account the vexing attitudes of the employees and the extra painful cleaning process.

Of Birthdays and New Beginnings

I know a lot of bloggers. Some of them I admire, some I consider as inspirations. I don't know why but despite of looking up to these people, I never had the courage to create a blog of my own until now. I point at my chronic laziness and my tendency to leave things stagnant as the primary reasons. Deep inside myself, however, I also have my fear of speaking my mind out to blame. Many people say that I'm the type of girl who you will instantly think of as independent and tough at first look. But the truth is that I'd rather keep all things boiling inside instead of going on a rampage about what I think.

Well, it sort of changed now. They say that birthdays are like the refresh buttons of life. Every time you turn a year older, you have the chance of starting anew. For my case, I've decided to finally take a risk and claim a small piece of the internet as my own personal world.

To be honest, I'm not yet sure about the things I am planning to post here. Heck, I am not even sure about how long I will be able to update this. But there are way too many beautiful and great things life offers us and all I want is to honor them in my own way. So Hi reader, it is my birthday today and this is my gift to myself. Here's to hoping that we both enjoy this little piece of cyber treat.